In last Sunday’s Gospel we read of Jesus feeding the crowds with a few fish and loaves of bread. This week we read that the same crowds want Jesus to do a miracle so that they might “see it and believe”. I guess I shouldn’t be, but I’m surprised. After what they have just witnessed Jesus do, what more could they want. What proof could Jesus give them that would not leave them wanting more?

Before the days of Photoshop we used to say: “seeing is believing”. I guess that was said with conviction, but the problem is that no matter what we see, we want to see more. Proving Jesus is just not possible. Jesus must be received in faith. Those who ask that we prove that Jesus is “God” or “divine” or “lord” will never be satisfied. They will always want more proof. Faith accepts what cannot be proven. God in Christ loves us!

Thanks be to God.

Pastor Bill