Everyone is welcome in worship on Saturday at 5:00 PM or Sunday at 9:30 AM.

Weekend Worship

Weekday Events
We offer lots of opportunities to serve others, grow in faith, and enjoy being together.

Fellowship Hour
Join us after worship on Sunday for our fabulous coffee and fellowship time.

Weekend Worship
Our current worship service is Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM with communion. While worship follows the traditional liturgy, the spirit is welcoming and casual in keeping with our island location.

Weekday Events
Gloria Dei has history of reaching out to people in need. Serving meals, collecting food, adopting a family at Christmas, gathering children’s shoes before the new school year, and donating pajamas for children in foster care are some examples of what we do. Help is always needed for these and other projects.
Pastor Doug regularly leads discussion groups on books about important issues of faith and life.
Monday Movies
Movie Monday’s happen occasionally and will be posted on our calendar. These bring an opportunity to see movies that highlight important topics. Snacks are provided and a short discussion follows.
We also enjoy getting together and having fun! This almost always involves food, drink, and lots of laughs and everyone is welcome.

Fellowship Hour
The coffee is on every Sunday morning after worship. There is a wonderful spread of homemade goodies which often rivals a Sunday brunch. The conversation is vibrant and loud and it’s a great place to meet new people. Don’t miss it!