Ask a hundred Christian theologians to define the Holy Trinity and 99 of them will tell you they don’t truly understand the doctrine. The other one will lie and explain everything! That One can be Three and Three can be One is certainly beyond my understanding. While through history some theologians have written volumes on the subject, what they have to say usually leaves me more confused than before I began reading. I have the greatest respect for theologians who simply define the Trinity as a mystery. By definition a mystery is something that we cannot fully understand.

While the Holy Trinity is a doctrine that defines the Christian church, I prefer to think of it as a mystery. God is so far beyond my understanding that God can do all the work of being our creator, redeemer, and sanctifier. God created me and all that exists, as Jesus God has saved me from my sins and as the Holy Spirit God still works in my life to bring me to the kingdom of God.

Please don’t ask me how any of that is possible – I can’t explain it. But I believe God can and does move beyond my ability to understand. Join me in celebrating the mystery of the greatness of God.

Pastor Bill