Advent Meditation Eternal God, whose presence often bursts upon us with unexpected joy, we pray that we might once again be touched by the meaning of Christmas. As we prepare…

Advent Meditation Eternal God, we focus upon the Holy Center of this holy season, Jesus, the child who comes for us. All-stars point to this birth, all our wanderings come…

Advent Meditation God of beauty and love, we offer our thanks for the renewal of life, for the rhythms of the seasons, for exquisite colors, for moments of rejoicing and…

This Sunday we will celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. This is a relatively new festival to make its way onto the Christian calendar. The festival may be new,…

The Christian church has always depended on the generosity of believers to survive and fulfill its mission of proclaiming Christ to the world. The same was and remains true for…

All Saints Sunday is the annual Christian celebration of the memory of all the faithful who have gone before us. Human societies throughout history have all found it appropriate to remember those who established or contributed…

A woman in a parish I served in New York once told me about how her childhood church celebrated Reformation Day. She said that after the Sunday morning worship her…

It’s not unusual for young people to have dreams of being Home Coming Queen or scoring the winning touchdown in the big game. People of all ages want to be…

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, Several years ago I was asked to lead the worship at Gloria Dei while your pastor was on vacation. I was surprised and pleased…

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if someone found a way to establish world peace? The dream of most people would be realized. We could live without fear of other nations, and…

It’s hard for us not to want to know our place. Who is ahead of me? Who is behind me? How close am I to being the greatest? What can…

What does it mean to be a servant? The closest I have ever come to having a servant is having someone serve my dinner in a restaurant. Even with something…

My wife and I were fortunate to have the most wonderful dog in the world for eleven years. Winston was a joy to be around. He seemed to love everyone…

I have a friend who loves to entertain. The foods she prepares are delicious, and always beautifully presented. I would be happy to help her in any way she would…

In the first century of the Christian church there was much misunderstanding among the public about what Christians did when they gathered for worship. Jews as well as many of…

In the play “Auntie Mame” the main character tells her nephew “Life is a banquet, and so many people are starving to death”. The meaning is clear: life offers us…

In this Sunday’s gospel Jesus tells the crowds that he is the true bread which comes down from heaven. Immediately there is confusion in his audience. When Jews hear of…