Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

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In last Sunday’s Gospel we read of Jesus feeding the crowds with a few fish and loaves of bread. This week we read that the same crowds want Jesus to…

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

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Many of us have been in the position of being taken care of. After illness, surgery or accident we might need special care while we heal. If you have been…

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

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Through history God has called people to speak words of truth and judgement to people of great power. In this Sunday’s first reading the prophet Amos is ridiculed by one…

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

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Jesus sends out the disciples in this Sunday’s gospel to witness their faith. Centuries earlier Ezekiel was called by God to proclaim God’s word to the people of Israel who…

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

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This Sunday’s gospel reading tells two healing stories happening together. Jairus, a leader of the Synagogue comes to Jesus on behalf of his daughter who is gravely ill at home.…

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

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Living close to bodies of water as we do, we have great respect for the power of the sea. A storm can quickly turn a quiet day on the water…

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

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Today educators have studied how people learn and have good ideas about how to present material to an audience that helps them understand and remember the lesson being taught. It seems…

Third Sunday after Pentecost

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At the time of the Civil War Abraham Lincoln told the people that a house divided against itself cannot stand. He then elaborated on that comment by saying that no…

Second Sunday after Pentecost

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What does the law require? That’s not a bad question. What does the law tell us we must or must not do? We need to know the law so that…

The Holy Trinity

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Ask a hundred Christian theologians to define the Holy Trinity and 99 of them will tell you they don’t truly understand the doctrine. The other one will lie and explain…

Day of Pentecost

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In the first century the Jewish people celebrated the festival of Pentecost. The word itself comes from the Greek meaning “fiftieth day” and was commemorated fifty days after Passover and…

Seventh Sunday of Easter

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In This Sunday’s gospel reading we hear a portion of what Bible scholars refer to as “the high priestly prayer of Jesus.”  In this prayer Jesus asks God the father…

Sixth Sunday of Easter

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The word was not used at the time, but the assigned lessons for this Sunday describe a church community that from the beginning was always intended to be inclusive.In the…

Fifth Sunday of Easter

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In this Sunday’s gospel we hear Jesus proclaim: “I am the vine; you are the branches.” What a wonderful image of the organic relationship that exists between Jesus and those who…

Fourth Sunday of Easter

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Most people have a love/hate relationship with the concept of Jesus being Our Shepherd. We love the idea of being cared for and provided for, but we are not so…

Third Sunday of Easter

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The Easter Lillies have almost finished blooming. If you are at all like me, the chocolate bunnies were finished off a week ago! It seems like Easter is over. And…

Second Sunday of Easter

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Christ is risen! Alleluia! Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia! If I had only a minute to explain the Christian faith, those are the words I would use. The story has…

Easter Sunday

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Christ is risen! Alleluia! Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia! If I had only a minute to explain the Christian faith, those are the words I would use. The story has…