Social Ministry

“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”
Matthew 25:37-40 (NIV)

Social Ministry is Gloria Dei’s opportunity to extend God’s love beyond the walls of the church. Those who participate in Social Ministry can find rewarding opportunities to give back to the community throughout the year.  Here are just a few; new shoes for Project Heart, Annual Pet Blessing, Adopt a Family, Food Drives, Backpacks for Selah Freedom, Pajama Drive, 12 Days of Christmas and Souper Bowl of Caring.

If you would like to participate make sure you check the Social Ministry calendar to see current events.  You can also sign up for our eNews which will keep you connected to any Social Ministry happenings.


Our annual shoe collection for Project Heart is starting! This collection of NEW shoes gives kids facing housing transition a chance to put a good foot forward in the upcoming 24-25 school year. All sizes are needed, especially teens. Shoes may be brought to worship on Sunday mornings or left with the office (Monday – Wednesday 9 AM to Noon) The shoes will be blessed during the July 28th worship service.


March 2024 –

Our annual Pajama Drive collected 70 pairs of pjs for the Manatee County Safe Children’s Coalition. This collection benefits children entering the foster care system.

December 2023

A big THANK YOU goes out to all who donated gifts for this year’s Adopt-a-Family project, making Christmas a little brighter for our family.

Our annual Shoe Drive for Project Heart 2023

We collected 53 pairs of shoes! They will be given to children in the Manatee County foster care system to help them get off to good start in the upcoming school year.

Picutred: Barbara Bohner, Beth Hauck & Pastor Doug


Our annual Pajama Drive 2023

We collected 94 pairs of pajamas for Manatee County Safe Children’s Coalition! The collection benefits children entering the foster care system.Photo: Beth Hauck Social Ministry Chair and co-chair Barbara Bohner


Adopt a Family 2022

Over 50 gifts were donated, wrapped and delivered to a local family in need in time for Christmas!

A couple dozen four-legged family members were blessed at our Annual Pet Blessing on November 19. Food, pet accessories, and over $140 were donated for the Cape Coral Animal Shelter to support their efforts to help those impacted by Hurricane Ian. Thanks to all those who helped and participated!

Here are a few of  the partners Social Ministry works with to help spread God’s love:

Blue Butterfly Family Grief Center

Our Daily Bread

Safe Children’s Coalition

Selah Freedom

Project Heart